the Pre-Thank You

Hanging out with my 1000 other emotions is some guilt that I have not sent thank you notes yet or may not have shown my appreciation. I know I have an excuse and most don’t expect it; but it will make me feel better when it’s done.
So in the meantime, here is your pre-thank you
Thank you…
to anyone that was at the hospital at any time.
to Hayley’s team, you know who you are.
to my sister in law and my brother, for everything.
to Terri, and her family for everything.
to everyone that provided meals and snacks, the magic blue cooler appreciates you.
to the person that organized the magic blue cooler, not an easy task.
to all of the people that worked so hard to make Hayley’s
service perfect and survived my swinging moods and demands.
to our pediatrician, how lucky we are to have you in our lives, you went above and beyond.
to Hayley’s surgeon, your love, your support and the fierceness for which you tried to help her.
to all of the people that donated on the gofundme page, I don’t know the right words. Not having to worry financially; of being unemployed, hospital bills and the lack of income for both of us to take time off is probably the one thing that has kept us standing. Without it our tragedy would be unmanageable. you make us feel humble and loved.
to the person making it possible for Scott to take time off from work so that we can grieve together and support our son.
to my doctor for being my friend and my advocate.
to our counselor for being wise and compassionate.
to all of my son’s friend and their parents for circling the wagons and making things as normal as possible for him
to all of the people that have sent me messages sharing their memories or introducing themselves to me; I learned so much more about my daughter.
to all of the people that provided flowers, and sent cards.
to all of the people that sent glassybaby gifts and inspired us to make the hayley gb happen.
to the people that made the hayley gb happen.
to the people that purchased the gb and will keep her light going.
to the nurses that cared.
to the LifeCenter staff that accomplished the amazing work allowing Hayley to provide life to others.
to the recipients of Hayley’s gifts for giving us a gift; the gift that allowed Hayley to accomplish something amazing.
to our family that drove, got on airplanes, pulled a travel trailer, to be present and show us your love.
to her friends that made me photo books I will treasure forever.
to the friends that provided us with homes to get away to.
to those that have cared for the dogs so we can do these things.
to everyone wearing a #belikehayley bracelet and embracing what it stands for and actually helping to guide me where I want to take it
to all of the young women that now have or are getting tattoos in honor of Hayley, this may be the thing she would love the most.
to everyone that has messaged, text and called me to just say what they needed to say or to just say add me to your list of who to call if you need a shoulder.
to the Eastlake High School Band that embraced Henry as a new member and took care of everything for me.
to the administration at WWU for showing me that she had been at the perfect college for her.
to those that have thought of Scott and reached out to support him also; sometimes it is the quiet ones that need it the most.
to the teachers that will guard and guide Henry in any way he needs during this school year
to our new Red Barn family for your compassion, your property and not freaking out when instead of 150 people; over 500 showed up
to the fire department for not calling out code on that.
to the 500 plus that sat, stood, sweat and cried without wavering while we took the time to honor our daughter.  I may not have gotten to thank you personally at that time but your presence was appreciated.
to anyone that thought about Hayley today.

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