A Helpful Pandemic Review

Again, Scott is not chatty tonight. I did get lots of friend time in today. Two of my more spontaneous friends with short notice went to Boehms Candy in Issaquah with me to support a local flower family. We got gorgeous custom farm to vase bouquets for 20 bucks. I figured if I was getting myself flowers for my anniversary I must get chocolate too. We then sat socially distanced in a lovely shady garden and ate hand dipped Ice Cream bars rolled in almonds. For you local folks, you can support New Garden Farms on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, 9:30-3:00 in the Boehms Parking lot in Issaquaqh. You can then very safely support Boehms. For more information on New Gardens click here.

I was telling Scott that people seem to really like my Amazon Review Post. I asked him what I should review next. Several inappropriate suggestions were made. One did stick with me; Toilet Paper. I thought about it and decided, why not? It is a pandemic related topic. It truly is a first world issue, but I do live in one of the wealthiest communitys in the Nation, Sammamish, so it seems fitting. This is my Pandemic Toilet Paper story.

In January, when I still had a job with a non-profit that shall not be named, I was scheduled to attend a conference in Orlando during my Birthday week. I knew that there was no way I could fly across the country and NOT go to Disneyworld. Hayley would be ashamed of me. But everyone I asked did not want to fly that far for Mickey Mouse. But another spontaneous friend now lives in Boston, it was worth a try. I was surprised when she said an enthusiastic “Yes”. She has been one of my biggest supporters this past three years in spite of the fact we were not friends before Hayley’s death. We knew each other’s names because our boys were in the same grade. Shay organized a troop of women that first December to come decorate our house. Besides kind, she is very funny! We discussed sharing a hotel room or getting our own. I am not sure if we had even gone out to lunch together ever. But we agreed to go for it, all in. We agreed worse case scenario we won’t be compatible and agreed to be honest if we annoyed each other. Plus we could do anything for three days. This is what a good sport Shay was. I suggested we have matching outfits for our two days at Disney. I offered to plan it. I had hats embroidered that said “Dawn and Shay do Disney 2020”. Found a Disney shirt that said “Made in the Seventies”, we were 1970 and 1971 babies. I also got us two shirts from Etsy that said “I am done adulting, I am going to Disney”. I had Birthday themed Ears. We arrived on the same day, by bedtime we were not sick of each other yet, so we had that going for us. We spent two days at Disney during a record breaking cold front. In fact it was so cold that Iguanas would lose consciousness and fall out of trees. We were super disappointed only to witness this phenomenon on the local news. We waited in line at 6 am to get tickets for the brand new Star Wars ride. Totally worth it by the way, best ride ever. I was sad when she flew home and the conference started. On my birthday my Mom drove from her home on the west coast of Florida and decorated the hotel room. I don’t remember the last time I spent my actual birth date with my mother. She had been really sick in January including laryngitis up until a week before. She had also surprised me by saying yes when I suggested she drive over and go to Harry Potter Land with me at Universal Studio. She doesn’t do rides or amusement parks. She clearly needed to get out of her house. After the conference we moved hotels, I had already started to feel bad. I was losing my voice and felt like shit. We powered through. Guess who wanted to keep going on the new Harry Potter motion ride and roller coaster? My mother! She surprised herself. We didn’t go so far as buying the Hogwarts robes they sell but we had a great time. I was getting sicker. I was due to fly home on a Tuesday night. On Monday I asked Scott to please make me a doctor’s appointment for first thing Wednesday morning. I flew home on January 28th. At that point, Mom and I had seen a story on the news about a powerful virus spreading in a province in China. In fact while heading home the first case was found in Washington State. We should have known. A freeze in Florida, falling Iguanas, grown women doing Disney and Universal without kids, my Mom riding roller coasters; me super sick on vacation, we just should have known that 2020 was taking a turn.

When I went to the doctor I had lost my voice completely, Scott seem to think this was not a bad thing. She said I had a throat infection, two ear infections and a sinus infections. She tested me for the flu, negative. I mentioned this new virus I heard about. She said that she had been reading everything she could find on it. I asked about testing. She suggested I not get testing, but ordered me to quarantine myself for 2 weeks. At that point testing was only available through the CDC. She said it was not going well and by the time the results came back she was sure I would no longer even be sick. She gave me a week’s worth of drugs. Cough syrup with Codeine, antibiotics, ear drops and a prescription decongestant. I took my stash and happily made myself a home with the dogs in the master bedroom. I told Scott about the quarantine orders. He anxiously asked if I would be okay if he slept in Hayley’s room so that my cough didn’t keep him awake. That is so cute, he was worried I needed him. I pretended to be sad and reluctant, but really I was super happy. The dogs could all sleep on his side, I could watch what and how much TV I wanted, hello, King bed to myself! After a week I was worse. I got a chest x-ray and some more antibiotics. That was the sickest I can ever remember being. Two weeks without being able to talk! Just as I felt like I was turning the corner I got a call on a Friday that I needed to have my pacemaker replaced the next Wednesday. WTF? I explained that I still had a cough. Not a good thing when you are having surgery not on full anesthesia. They had a solution for that and were not willing to postpone. They don’t like it when your battery runs out. I went back to work less than a week after the surgery. Thank goodness it didn’t get postponed even a day as most surgical rooms were shut down by the second week in February. Again, I should have known. Iguanas, laryngitis, and a dead battery. 2020 had arrived.

For those that can remember this far back but February/March was about the time people started to freak out. Most corporations moved to remote offices by the end of the first week in March, schools began to close. Trump said there were only 15 people that were sick, don’t worry he said. We REALLY should have known the minute “China Virus” came out of his mouth. So here is where we move into first world problems. People were going nuts at Costco and Grocery Stores. If you live in the Northwest it was like when we are predicted to get an inch of snow. People lost their minds. Instead of buying all the wine, milk and bread; it was wine, milk, bread and TOILET PAPER. I made fun of those people.

In January, before Orlando, we had a big first world problem in my household. I always buy my toilet paper at Costco, but I had not been that month because work was so busy. We got down to our last roll of paper. We have three bathrooms and the three of us each use a different one. We would have to hunt the roll down. We argued over the roll. We used Kleenex. This is when I learned the awesomeness of Costco Online. If I ordered $75 dollars I would get free two day shipping. Seriously? I never get out of Costco under a hundred bucks, who does? If YOU do, you have issues and we might not be able to be friends. I was able to order a hundred dollars of our toilet paper and it arrived the day I left for Orlando, everyone was happy. God forbid one of these two men would have to go to the store. I vowed we would never run the toilet paper down that low again. So when March hit and the great Toilet Paper insanity started, I was very smug admiring my two huge packs of Charmin, the good stuff. I thought about sharing with some friends, but nope I am not that nice and this was now labeled a Global Pandemic and the McCutcheons would not run out of toilet paper. (did I mention this is a first world problems article?)

Do you have interactions from your past that you just have never forgotten? Things that are not even very important but for some reason they stuck with you and always remind you of that person. Let me give you an example; when I was 20 and attending UW, I was a teller at Washington Mutual. I loved my supervisor, Jill. She was amazing. So funny, big personality, she was over six feet tall with coke bottle glasses. One day during a break in the conference room I was reading a Cosmopolitan Magazine. For you younger folks, a magazine is like a cross between a book and a newspaper. You had to wait every week or month for it to arrive in the real mail. Instead of subscriptions to Spotify, most young women had a subscription to Cosmo. It was a guilty pleasure. We passed it around the Sorority like it was illegal. The entire purpose of the magazine was to make women feel like shit about themselves. The magazines intentions besides advertising every beauty product made, was to tell you how to dress, how to do hair and make up, but most of all how to catch a man and keep him satisfied if you know what I mean. The best part of Cosmo was the monthly Quiz. Topics like, “Are you enough of a bad girl?” “Can you keep him intrigued?” “Is he thinking fling or long-term?”. We are not talking the height of feminism. So there I sit on break reading my issue when Jill walks in and joins me. She said “anything good in there?”. I said I was currently reading an article about how to deal with unwanted hair in unwanted places. Waxing was not really main stream at that point in history. She said “what does it say about nipple hair?”. I did a double take. “WTF, you get hair there?” Jill said “honey you have no idea, you just wait until you are over 30”. I was like ooookkkkaaay, whatever, I will never have nipple hair. So now when plucking my nipple hairs as that 1991 Cosmo suggested, I always think of Jill. Every single time.

Another one of these memories stuck in my brain was an incident with my Dad around 1996. My Dad and I had a complicated relationship over the years. He was not always the easiest to deal with. At this point he had recently married an employee of his that was my age. We were on the outs. Scott and I were married, we had bought our first house in Federal Way, we were trying to get pregnant, and we now shopped at Costco like real adults. We were in Costco near our house when we turned down an aisle and ran smack into my Dad and his wife. Just the fact that this Costco was not close to where they lived and we were on the same aisle, on the same day and the same time was weird enough to stick in my brain. It was very awkward, Scott was not a fan of my Dad. My Dad not knowing what to say, noticed that we both had packs of Toilet Paper in our carts. He made the sarcastic comment, “Oh you two must be doing well, you buy the expensive stuff”. We had Charmin in our cart, they had Kirkland Signature. Of course Scott nudged me because we had recently had a “discussion” about me insisting on the more costly Charmin. Clearly I had prevailed and it was never mentioned again. To this day nearly 25 years later, 14 years since my Dad passed, I cannot buy toilet paper without thinking of that interaction and my Dad. Yes, I have always bought the Charmin. My kids have never in their own home had anything but the Charmin Ultra Soft touching their behinds. Scott learned to pick his battles.

Now that you have been caught up and heard some new relevant stories I can get down to my Pandemic Review. Today I am reviewing Charmin Toilet Paper. By April I was still feeling a bit smug and a little guilty that I had an unintentional hoard of Toilet Paper. Here we sat on our soft white cotton thrones while we watched YouTube videos of people actually having physical fights over the last package of TP in Costco and grocery stores. It wasn’t even Charmin. By May I was getting a little worried. I had promised the men that I would not let them down, I would keep them stocked with toilet paper no matter what. We may not have had Clorox Wipes, but we were going to have toilet paper. I expected them to heap praise on me and express their gratitude. Newsflash, that did not happen. In May I had an 18th pandemic birthday to plan and our stash was starting to run low. Scott would ask if he should buy some at Albertsons on his way home from work where he bought wine. I said only if the brand is Charmin. I think he hurt himself rolling his eyes. Costco had let me down months before with none available online. I was not willing to risk Covid by fighting over it in person at the local Costco when it was just luck of the draw if you were there when they put the pallet out. There has to be people out there that will have toilet paper to use until 2030. I lost track of how many times a day I would check the Costco app to see if it was in stock. I honestly expected the app to have a pop up box that said “Get a Life, we don’t have any fucking toilet paper”. I was also checking Amazon daily, but I was not quite to the point of being a victim of price gouging. Let me go ahead and add now that neither Scott or Henry could care less what kind of toilet paper I buy. When I expressed my pandemic concerns to Scott he just suggested that he and Henry could just go rub their asses on the grass like the dogs do. Not helpful Scott.

Then it happened. On June 5th I had to break down and purchase on Amazon, fucking Quilted Northern. The Charmin Bears were going to be so disappointed in me. Let me tell you it was false advertising. There was nothing quilted about it. It says it is “meticulously crafted for a reliable, comfortable experience”. They lied. I would give Quilted Northern 1 poop emoji out of 5. It is narrow. I have big hands. It was not soft or quilted. Plus they said double roll and it was most certainly not a double. It was like going to an overpriced hipster bar in Seattle, paying for a double and you could still do math in your head after drinking it. These rolls hanging on my wall made me very sad. It is a hard pass on the Northern.

Finally on June 18th and July 1st I was able to purchase Charmin on Amazon. But there was a limit, so I had to buy all three Charmin models of toilet paper. I filled a tall cabinet in our garage with toilet paper, all kinds of Charmin. We will not run out this year. Yet still the 18 year old boy takes the roll off the holder in my bathroom when he runs out, instead of going to the cupboard like a human and getting his own pack. I had told him when storing the Charmin that he was not allowed to use the blue package because it was mine. I said you can use the red package or the green package, but do not touch the blue. Recently I saw him slinking up the stairs with a blue package, I yelled at him and started up the stairs willing to physically remove it from his hands if necessary. He smirked and locked his bathroom door. I used to change his diapers, he really should go with the red package.

The Red Package is the “Charmin Ultra Strong Clean Touch”. This model gets 4 Poop emojis. The roll is huge, so if you are the one that never wants to change the roll this is for you. It is so big it won’t fit in our recessed holder in one of our bathrooms, which is not an issue since no one in my house ever puts the roll on the actual holder. Keep in mind that you can judge a Charmin product by the adjectives used. They all start with Ultra. This is so accurate. The dictionary defines Ultra as “extremist, radical, fanatical”. If this does not describe me and Charmin I don’t know what would. Amazon indicates this is 2 ply. All you single ladies, before you commit to a partner, check their toilet paper, if it is 1 ply, I am sorry you need to “dump” them. Charmin describes this one as “designed for a wash cloth like cleaning”. This was a turn off for me. First you can’t flush a wash cloth and this reminds me of stories of fraternity friends using t-shirts or whatever was nearby when there was no TP, usually a t-shirt of a roommate. You know who you are. It also says it is clog proof. They lie. So 4 Poop Emojis, it is strong, it is a big roll, your hand will not get dirty. I recommend the red package for the men in your life particularly teenage boys, but invest in a plunger.

The Green package is “Charmin Ultra Gentle Touch”. Here we go with the word Touch again. I don’t like the word touch associated with wiping at all. It markets itself as the only one with a touch of lotion. It is dermatologist tested. How did that work? It says it is gentle enough for even frequent wiping. I give the green package 2 poop emojis. I ate Thai food several times this past week, so you need to trust me that any toilet paper mentioning the word Gentle is probably not going to stand up to what your bowels are capable of. For sure never give a roll of the green package to the men in your life. If you do, make sure none of your clothes are laying nearby the toilet. I would not even blow my nose with this crap. The lotion makes it feel waxy, it is not very strong, I didn’t measure but it felt narrow, I got pee on my hand. This is not a good toilet paper for the ladies. Don’t let them fool you with the word Gentle and the female child bear on the package. This TP is for little kids that will probably get shit on their hands if they wipe themselves no matter what kind of TP it is. I wouldn’t even TP a house with this one.

The best for last. The Blue Package. This is what Costco carries. This has been the McCutcheon brand for nearly 30 years. I guess you could call it vintage at this point. The blue package is “Charmin Ultra Soft Cushiony Touch”. Soft and Cushiony is exactly what this toilet paper is. Cushiony is not even a recognized word in the dictionary. It is that special that it needed its own word. I give this one the coveted 5 poop emojis. The marketing describes it as “unique”, “irresistibly soft” and “more absorbent so you can use less”. I only disagree with the use less part, remember Thai Food. You will want a nice handheld pillow of this stuff. The rolls are big, it is soft, it doesn’t shed (you ladies know what I mean) and you will get no pee on your hand. You will not want to spare a square of this stuff for anyone. This is toilet seat down, the best.

In closing I want to say I have figured out the purpose of the Charmin Bears. I always thought that marketing was really stupid mainly because they are not wearing pants and they use the word “hiney”. But actually it is brilliant. It is exactly like the fairy tale, Goldilocks and the three bears. Seriously, your mind should be blown right now. Each of these packages has a different bear on the front of the package. The Red, “Strong, Clean” has the Dad Bear on it. It is manly like sand paper. The Green has the little girl bear on it. It is sweet and gentle, it is a prissy little toilet paper. Notice there is none with the son bear, because he is probably using a t-shirt at the Bear Frat. But the Blue! The Blue has the Mom on it. Because who knows their shit in all families? Yes, that would be Mom. You’re Welcome.

August Amazon Top Five Favorite Things

I really love to write.  It is like talking but it doesn’t matter if anyone is actually listening.  I decided to post an article that had nothing to do with my grief or pain.  I just couldn’t go there today, but I still wanted to write something useful, so I decided to post reviews for my top five favorite purchases in August from my boyfriend, Amazon.  I hope you find it helpful.  If you don’t, just keep it to yourself.


I have been purging the house slowly but continuously during Pandemic August.  One thing I have learned in the process of cleaning out many shelves and drawers and closets, not even close to done, is that we have a lot of Shit.  Shit we didn’t use, Shit that didn’t work well, Shit that didn’t have a specific place it lived so we were always searching for it, multiple items of the same Shit because when we couldn’t find something we bought a new one, Shit everywhere. 

In this process I have made decisions by asking: Do I need it? Do I use it, like in the last year?  Is it a quality item that is going to last a long time? Can someone else use and enjoy it?  Can I recycle it?  I tossed in some Konmari, does it bring us joy?  Yes, I also made Scott thank that pair of boxers with the holes for serving him well before he tossed it.  I won’t quote him directly, but the word “skid” was involved.

Now I can purchase new favorite things because I now have a place to put them.  Some may seem silly, again these are my opinions not yours.  All these items either bring me joy or I have found I actually use them.  Nothing mind blowing, but right now, unemployed during a pandemic, it is the little nonpolitical Shit that I am getting excited about.  I also am writing this entry because Scott now refuses to listen to me when I start my daily show and tell.  The Amazon and UPS man hates me, I was out watering and the dude said, “another package for you”, with emphasis on the “another”.  Whatever, I am keeping you employed dude.  Links to the items are included.

Dawn’s Top Five Favorite Things from Amazon purchased in August

  1. Cost- $12.99  Purpose – Opening those Amazon Boxes and popping those air pillows that I can now recycle with my new Ridwell service.  My new favorite thing is a Fiskars Pro Retractable knife.  We were always using scissors we could never find or kitchen knives that was not very safe.  Both items are now very dull.  I decided to invest in a utility knife.  I was skeptical, we own an ancient box cutter that I am scared to use.  It has no safety features and I am very clumsy.  Plus I can never find it.  It has been left outside so it is rusty.  I don’t want to risk a tetanus shot.  This new tool has been in my pocket of my lounge pants nearly all week.  Super safe and super amazing.  You need one, trust me.  I always keep it in the same drawer. (we will see if that new healthy habit sticks).  It is also amazing at that Damn packaging a lot of companies insist on using, you know the hard-plastic shit, that usually cuts you.  It breaks boxes down for recycle Tuesday like a breeze.  Click Here
A hand holding a cellphone

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2. Cost $16.99 Purpose – Power, tidiness and some laziness.  As my phone has gotten older, it doesn’t hold a charge as long, plus I use it A LOT.  Scott and I both have our “spots” on the sectional.  Yes, they both are recliners.  We are THAT couple, we both regret not getting the divider that had storage and drink holders.  I thought it was tacky, now I want it.  I usually have at least 2 devices going during couch time; my phone and a laptop.  Scott has at least 2; iPad and phone.  Under the old way Scott is closest to the outlet.  He has one charger plugged in to the wall outlet that he takes turns using with his devices and it won’t quite reach to his lap, so the item sits on the end table while charging. I use an extension cord over the top of the couch.  I have gotten it caught up in the recliner mechanism many times.  This solution is another new favorite thing.  Anker Power Port Cube.  I love it.  It is tidy, it sits between us on the couch, we can plug in all the things we need to charge.  Plus, we can conveniently use the item while it is charging.  It comes in White or Black if you need to match your décor.  I have bought a ton of products from Anker over the years.  The items are always high quality.  The other first world problem I had is that I didn’t own a long enough charging cord to use my phone in bed while it charges unless I am on the edge of the bed on my left side.  The dogs don’t like it when I turn my back on them.  Instead of paying more buying extra and longer cords I got one of these cubes for our room.  I can put it on the bed and charge and use whatever I need!  Phone, Kindle, Laptop, etc.  I loved it so much I got the small two port version that I have set up on the table between my porch chairs also known as the new Mom Porch Cave.  I have a phone charger plugged in and a small USB powered Fan.  Henry mocked me for the Fan outdoors.  But who is sitting there inching closer to menopause, enjoying the nice breeze on my Mom Porch Cave?  This girl.  Click Here

(Scott is snoring in this photo)

A picture containing indoor, table, sitting, computer

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#3 – Cost – $24.99 Purpose – Lighting, Laziness, Fun Toy, Saves Electricity Four years ago, I spent months researching (I research everything) backyard string lights.  There are multiple layouts and you want them to stay up once you put the work in.  I had a Pinterest board for the project.  Hayley wanted the backyard to be fun for her Graduation Party.  With my very kind and handy brother’s help Scott made our vision reality.  It was finished about an hour before the party!  If you need to know about String Lights, I am your gal.  Scott spends a lot of time on the back patio in what we call the “hammock of grief” (another Amazon favorite thing).  He loves the lights; I love seeing them from inside the house.  I have always had it on a basic timer that worked intermittently.  I noticed that Scott was not using them very much, he turned the timer off since it really didn’t get enough sun to be accurate.  It was easily confused.  Turning them on required bending over, he just wasn’t using them.  I also didn’t like plugging them in and out because, spiders.  This past week our talented handyman installed String Lights on our side deck.  They are attached to the house and a tree and they are lovely.  He had mentioned that a recent client had hooked up hers with the ability to control them with a remote!  Holy Shit that sounds awesome.  Wait, we can’t have remotes.  First, we would totally lose it, set it down somewhere and won’t be able to find it and Finn eats remotes.  Then I thought, I wonder if Alexa could turn on the lights??  Sure enough Amazon was my hero again.  I bought an Outdoor Smart Plug Outlet.  We plugged the lights into this new toy.  This also freed up one of the outlets so Scott can run an extension cord to the hammock for his Ipad.  I got him a pink cord.  He is comfortable with pink.  This new toy allowed me to set up zones, like Mancave lights only, Deck lights only or All ON!  All controlled by an APP on my phone or by demanding Alexa do it for me.  I have seriously entertained myself for the last two nights, turning them on and off while Scott is in the hammock.  He is very much over it!  Now we will use the lights more plus the APP can program a schedule, saving energy.  I like going to bed with them on and enjoy the view, and now I can program them from my phone to go off when I am sleeping therefore not wasting electricity.  I ordered more string lights for the Mom Porch Cave.  Very fun and useful toy.  I am trying to figure out how to hook Henry up to the APP and program it to take out the garbage when I ask.  Elon Musk needs to get working on this idea.  Click Here

#4 Cost – $29.97 Purpose – Organization, Tidiness, Help locate Kitchen tools The first place I started in August in the Great Pandemic Clean Out was the kitchen drawers.  After having sold Pampered Chef and being a huge fan, I had a lot of tools and accessories.  They were all crammed into drawers and it was impossible to locate an item quickly.  Disclaimer, I don’t like to cook.  Scott and Henry generally don’t like when I cook either.  I am not that good at it and it takes way too much energy that I am lacking right now.  Door Dash is much easier.  I took everything out of all the drawers.  I sorted; keep, donate, gift or trash.  But I still had the issue of the kept items being all jumbled in the drawer.  A standard drawer organizer would not work because the compartments were too small and just didn’t fit the odd sized items.  I was using Amazon to search for organization ideas and ran across these beauties.  Adjustable Bamboo Drawer Dividers.  These amazing tools come in a four pack.  I was able to divide drawers to the width needed to hold all the like items.  It was like getting custom kitchen drawers.  Guess what, I don’t mind being in the kitchen as much because I now can find the fricking tongs!  I am considering ordering another pack to use in our bathroom drawers.  Currently I use little plastic organizers and that leaves unused space.  When we remodeled our bathroom, we downsized the vanity, so space is valuable.  Click Here

#5 – Cost $102.99 Purpose – A fun toy to motivate me to cook, cook healthier foods, cook quickly, save money on takeout meals I saved the big, best and most expensive item for last!  I had heard of the Air Fryer craze.  I thought it would be like the Instant Pot.  Many people bought them; many are not using them.  This is where you can benefit from my research skills.  We bought the Cosori Air Fryer Max, 5.8 quart.  There are so many brands, styles and features available on these bad boys.  They range in size and style, from small round units to the huge small oven like ones that do everything but give you a manicure.  I started by asking friends which model they had, what do they like about them and what feature did they wish they had.  I then started reading reviews on Amazon.  I gleaned enough information to know the following:  Nobody ever regretted not getting a bigger one, but lots of people regretted getting the small ones.  People really liked the units with preset food settings.  I found out which ones cleaned up well, hello, the dishwasher not by hand in my house.  Food turned out more successful with a pre-heat option.  The size and shape do matter.  We bought this specific model that I have named Frank, for the following reasons.  The size, 5.8 quart is big enough to make things for 2 to 4 people.  We did not get the big combo oven; not enough counter space and we like our retro looking toaster.  It has a pre-heat option.  Very non-stick and easy to clean.  I liked the white one, everyone has black, be different.  It fits in our cabinet when not in use.  It has 11 preset buttons for us less than perfect chefs.  The square shape allows you to fit more items, you don’t lose the corners like in a round basket.  The preset buttons beep and remind you halfway through the process to shake the items in the basket to make sure everything cooks perfectly.  Very positive reviews.  The reason I may love Frank a little more than Scott is that it has me cooking for real, in the kitchen!  Not Door Dash cooking, but real healthy cooking. We have sat down as a family of three and eaten meals together at an actual table more times in the last month than we did all of 2019.  I have only tapped the tip of the iceberg on Frank’s talents.  So far, we have cooked frozen food to perfection and in half the time.  Bonus that we don’t use the oven since our AC is broken and it is Summer.  The frozen items we have tried and had success with are:  French fries, chicken wings, and cheese sticks.  Scott and Henry have even introduced themselves to Frank.  All these items came out crispy on the outside and juicy or soft on the inside.  I have cut up baby red potatoes, mixed with olive oil and rosemary.  Tastes like at a restaurant.  Sliced zucchini comes out perfect.  The best thing so far has been not wasting as much food when we do take out.  It reheats leftovers and leaves them tasting like you just picked those fries up.  Trust me you need your own Frank.  I have been told it cooks all kinds of meat and seafood.  It even can bake.  That will be fun to experiment with.  There are hundreds of ideas on the internet with easy instructions.  You just need to know the temperature and the amount of time.  My goal is to become braver and adventurous with Frank in September.  Click Here for Frank.