A Letter I gave to Hayley on her 18th Birthday

I gave this letter to Hayley on her 18th birthday. I have worried she didn’t know how I felt. I am glad that I had written it down for her. After Scott and I read the letter tonight, we weeped on the couch. We agree that all we need to do is change “I Love” to “I Miss”

For Hayley, on your Birthday, from People that Love You…

My favorite memories of Hayley were watching how kind she was to Maddie and how they always had so much fun together . One thing that stands out to me is her sense of humor. Until recently I had a saved text exchange between Hayley and I. The subject was Dawn’s parking skills. I had heard Henry and Hayley comment and make fun of Dawn when she had parked the car in a particularly crooked way. So one time when Dawn and I were in SeaBrook, and Dawn had a particularly bad parking attempt. I took a picture and sent it to Hayley. Her response was something like this: “Typical. And she didn’t even try to straighten it?? SMH”. The last time I saw Hayley was on a trip Dawn and I took to Bellingham when Hayley was at Western. I was struck by how grown up she was. And how she gave me a tour of her dorm and campus. That weekend happened to be Mother’s Day weekend, and I was touched by how close she and Dawn were. You could tell that in the midst of the playful teasing and banter between them that they had a wonderful relationship. I really strive to obtain that type of bond with my own daughter. – Sandy

My first born granddaughter was a joy to be around. Her smile, her wicked sense of humor, her kindness. I will forever remember these things, and more about her. One of my fondest memories was spending the day with Hayley at Western. She was proud to show me around the campus, and I often look at the selfie we took that day. It makes me smile. She always made everyone around her smile. She will be in my heart forever. – Grandma

Happy 22nd Hayley! I miss your sassy attitude, your sarcasm and your humor. You were just starting to come into your own and I can only imagine now the incredible woman you would be. My favorite memories of you are seeing you born, taking care of you as a baby (already sassy & strong headed!), watching you dance for Gotta Dance and Eastlake and being able to see the amazing relationships you had with your brother (even with all the fighting you could see the love), your Dad (where you got your incredible sarcastic abilities) and of course your Mom, who was your confidant, cheerleader and best friend. I love you Hayley and you are always on my mind. I try to Be Like Hayley as often as I can to honor your memory. – Sara

I looked up to Hayley as a big sister. She was always down for my shenanigans and I always remember her being the life of the party. She was constantly making me laugh and she always made me smile. One of my favorite memories of Hayley was when we went to the Grand Canyon with our moms, and Henry of course. We were going out to eat for dinner, and Hayley thought it would be funny to pretend that we had British accents in front of the waiter. She loved accents lol. She always knew how to make a fun time out of anything. I also remember going out to Seattle for my birthday. Hayley made such an effort to make sure that I had a great time. She was always thinking about others.  – Maddie D.

The summer before I left for college Hayley and I spent a lot of Friday nights going to target and just walking around and going out to eat. We never did anything crazy but it was just to spend quality time together and be together before I left for school. We would talk about how she was going to come and visit me a lot and explore Bellingham together and would stay super close even though I was going to be two hours away. I always loved how present she made me feel. I always felt like I was so important to her and like nothing else mattered more than the time we were spending together. She knew how to make you feel really important, even if you were talking about stupid or random shit.
I miss her everyday and being in Bellingham is a constant reminder of her. – Mia

My favorite thing about Hayley is her energy. She was always keeping things interesting, making sure we were doing something, and investing quality time into each and every one of her friends. I miss the drives we’d go on, She’d play her signature music so loud, and we’d all sing along. I miss being able to text her and laugh with her and joke around with her about all of the stuff going on in our lives. I miss the little things. I miss her presence. I’d do just about anything to hug you again Hayls,  and  I miss you more with everyday. Happy Birthday to my forever best friend <3. –Nina

Dear Ocean Buddy, I miss you dearly. You were such a genuine friend to everyone. Whenever I would see you, you would greet me with a big hug and an even bigger compliment. You were so kind to your friends and I strive to be as kind as you every day. You made me laugh every day, you had a way of making everyone around you feel so loved. I hope you know how much I admired you and the admiration continues every day. Our friendship was strong, but it really grew when I moved away for college. Moving away from home Freshman year was not easy but you would come visit me with your Mama and it made my move so much easier. Seeing you and showing you around WWU was everything to me. We would get Fat Pie pizza or Red Robin and adventure around our favorite place… THE BEACH! Then you were accepted to WWU and I GOT TO SEE YOUR FACE ALL THE TIME! I would see your smiling face in Red Square or walking past Arntzen before a big test, get a big hug from you and you would make my day. The impression you made on people was unforgettable. You had such a gift at making people feel loved, important and so special. I hope you are having a wonderful birthday at the most amazing beach in the sky. I wish I could adventure with you or go on a trip to the zoo to visit your orangutan friends. I hope you feel loved, important and so special. I love you <3 – Jenna

When Hayley was around there was sure to be laughter and shenanigans. Her energy, good humor and enthusiasm knew no bounds. She was a fiercely loyal friend and people couldn’t help but love her and love being around her. She had a natural way of connecting with people and knew how to make people feel important. I am so thankful you and Hayley made it out to Hat Island. I love this picture of the girls with the golf cart stuck in the mud. I am pretty sure that was also the day one of the tires came off the rim and then they were really stuck. I remember a couple of girls came to get me to report the incident and seek help. As I remember Hayley was one of them. Happy birthday Hayley Storm❤️We know you are watching over your family and your friends and shining your light into the lives of each and every one you touched so deeply on this earth.  -Ann B.

Oh Hayley. There have been so many times over the past almost three years I have wanted to ask your advice…what classes the twins should take, which formal dress Georgia should buy, or which Christmas or birthday present I should get Sophia. You gave the best advice. And they would never listen to me, but always to you. Each time I ponder questions about the twins now, my heart instantly tells me to ask you. And for a sweet second I believe you’re right here. Only to realize again you’re not. You were their second mom, big sister and best friend all rolled into one. And for that I’ll be forever grateful. I loved our trips to Target the most (even though your mom and I did try to ditch you more than once). Sometimes if your mom didn’t want to go, I knew I could text you and you’d talk her into it. You were my shopping soulmate, always ready for a big sale, just browsing through the aisles or anything in between. Happy heavenly birthday, Hayley! I hope it’s like Black Friday and the Glassybaby sale every week there and we’ll get to shop again someday. Love you, sweet girl. – Tamese

My favorite memory of Hayley was when we visited WSU together and after the football game we couldn’t find a bathroom so she peed behind a tree on Thompson Flats. I still laugh every time I pass that tree on my way to class and think of how much fun we had that weekend. I wish Hayley could come visit me now I can’t think of ANYONE  more fun to party with. She would’ve been a great Coug!  – Georgia

My favorite memories with Hayley were always when we went shopping together with our moms. Georgia and Henry hated shopping so they would normally stay home, so it would always be the 4 of us. Hayley had the best fashion advice and always saved me from whatever crazy outfits my mom would pick out. I always wanted to copy exactly what she was wearing, specifically Hayley’s signature of lululemons, white slip on vans and the north face vest. Now when I’m shopping for new clothes I always wonder if she would like it and how much I wish I could get her opinion. I miss you so much Hayley! – Sophia

Hayley is the reason I have a family. I know this may sound selfish, since Hayley left her own family way too soon. Hayley gave the gift of a kidney to my husband, which in turn allowed us to have a healthy baby girl. I remember the day we found out there was a match for the kidney, I was so incredibly happy but my happiness was clouded knowing that someone else had lost a loved one. I am beyond grateful to Hayley, as well as Dawn, Scott, and Henry, it seems as if “thank you” isn’t enough. I think of Hayley often and remember the precious gift she provided my husband. I wish I had the pleasure of meeting her, hugging her, laughing with her. She holds a very special place in my heart, and I wish her a very happy birthday. – Lauren

Sometimes it doesn’t feel real. That a part of me came from a real person.
A real person who had hopes, dreams, and plans. A person who would have
been 22 and graduating college. All of these things unrealized. It is
inexplicable how something that caused me and my family so much joy caused
others to feel so much pain. That it allowed me to continue my hopes,
dreams, and plans. Every time I see a picture of her again, such a mix of
emotions. I want to use these feelings for something good. That is what her
birthday means to me, a reminder that as years continue to go by, I want
them to mean something. I’m not just living for me, but I am living for
her too. Let her birthday be a reminder to do something great and
meaningful with your day, month, and life. – Chris aka “left Kidney”

I remember when we would babysit Hayley when she was little, it was like practice parenting long before we would ever be parents for real!  She was the messiest eater, there was a mat that I swear covered ten square feet of floor under her highchair.  I remember the first time I saw the mat I was like, are you kidding me, this is so overkill…..and then the food started to fly and I quickly learned how it was actually possible for one tiny human to make such a mess.  She would have food everywhere, even in her hair.  Speaking of her hair, to be honest, I always felt bad for the hand she was dealt in that category early on, it’s hard to even describe, you’d have to see a picture to understand!  She sure grew up to be such a beautiful person both inside and out. She was thoughtful, witty, smart and just an all-around boss bitch! – – Uncle Kevin

When Hayley was at the awesome age of still thinking her Aunt and Uncle were cool but not too old to have a huge social life on the weekend she would come stay with us.  I remember having her at our house when Mayz was learning to walk.  Hayley would walk around and around and around and around with Mayz while Mayz held onto Hayley’s fingers.  Hayley had endless patience with her cousins.  She was the perfect age of older – they thought she was so cool, so mature, so pretty and could do no wrong.  One summer Hayley went to Leavenworth and went camping with Grandma Sue.  Mayz, Ilee and I drove over for the day.  We had a fun day in town, going to lunch, going out to eat and then Hayley rode back to the west side of the mountains with us.  Hayley was old enough to sit in the front seat – such a cool concept for me and it made the drive home go so quickly since I had a co-pilot! – Aunt Jessi

I remember when Hayley and Aunt Dawn came to our hotel room by the airport.  Charlie was just a puppy and they snuck Charlie into our hotel room too!  Aunt Dawn and Hayley brought pizza and we hung out. – Mayzie

I remember staying the night at Hayley’s house.  We watched Princess Diaries – that movie always makes me think of her. – Ilee

There isn’t a day that goes by that Hayley isn’t brought up or thought about. She made such an impact in the lives of the people around her. When I met Hayley, I was going into my freshman year of high school. We became friends because we carpooled together and at first, I have to say it was a little awkward but as time went on, I would learn one very important lesson from her.  Hayley taught me to be myself and not give two craps about who was around. She taught me that I didn’t have to impress EVERY person. This lesson was so important because being a freshman means having a lot of people to look down on you and judge you which was something I had a hard time with. Hayley played a big role in creating the person I’ve become because I looked up to her more than she knew. Each and everyday, I think about how that lesson effects me and how much I miss her. It’s the little things like chicken tenders or middle fingers or even hearing the word Bluetooth and thinking of the thotties saying Bluetooth audit that make me miss her. There are so many memories that I will hold on to and cherish. Hayley wasn’t just a best friend to me, she was a sister. – Maddie F.

Happy Heavenly Birthday, Hayley. When I think of you (often), I see your beautiful smile first and foremost. Second, I see your exasperated eye roll after your mom says something that totally embarrasses you… even though I know it doesn’t… it’s what you two did well! 😄 You were a strong young woman, a force to be reckoned with! Your sass and wit brought me many smiles and laughs with your mom and dad. 💕 I cherish them. I will light my Hayley candle on your birthday, beautiful girl… celebrating the light and mark you’ve left in my heart. 🎂💝
Love you, Terri

Happy birthday to our sweet girl! There are so many things that I miss about Hayley and so many things that make me think about her every day but one thing I miss the most is her laugh. She had the most contagious smile and laugh that would cheer me up in even the hardest times, we could all use that these days. She made me memorize her birthday on like the third day of knowing each other and I’ll never forget it. Her birthday parties were my favorite to go to growing up and I wish I could have a drink with her today. I miss you dearly Hayley and I’m doing all I can to celebrate you today ❤️ Love you so much momma dawn, I hope this helps!! Lots of love, Skye

Hayley…I’m not sure what I loved more about you, your kind heart and beautiful smile or your sarcastic wit and dramatic eye rolls. Every time I saw you, I was sure to get a little of both…you’d greet me with a hug, ask me how I was doing, we’d share some gossip, laugh a little, gossip just a little more and then you’d remind me that you were definitely my favorite…you NEVER forgot that part! 😊 There’s a special place in my heart that will always belong to you…it reminds me to be kind, to be strong, to love big and to have fun. I’m thinking about you a little extra today and hoping that there’s a great big party going on up there for you. Happy Birthday, Hayley! I love you and I miss you, Lori

Happy birthday, sweet girl! I miss you and your sass. I miss you always telling me exactly what was on your mind…with absolutely no filter 🙈. I miss looking at my phone after school everyday and finding you’d stolen it…again 😂 – Delaney

Hayley and I had been friends since fourth grade. We spent almost every day together during our elementary years harassing lifeguards at the plateau club, obsessing over twilight together, and constantly pissing our moms off. Although we spent so much time together, we rarely got into arguments. But the one biggest fight we ever got into was in sixth grade when we both had the same Halloween costume. We both absolutely despised matching outfits and when we both pointed to the same referee costume in the Halloween catalog, world war three broke out. We spent an entire week full of carpools to the dance studio totally ignoring each other over a dumb costume, which I think is pretty hilarious looking back on it. The one thing I loved most about Hayley was that she loved her friends and family with all of her heart and would do anything for them anytime. While we were still in our argument, I was late to the computer lab doing god knows what and I saw Hayley stomping down the hallway to Mr. Sams’s room. She marched right up to me and said “Kayleigh, (so and so) is in your seat and you need to get him out of there because its YOUR seat and I don’t want to sit next to him!” and just like that we both ran to the computer lab to pester the kid in my seat as if nothing had happened. Even during our bickering, I knew she was a forever friend. As we got older, Hayley and I drifted apart and we didn’t spend as much time together as I would have liked, but she always had her way of telling me how important I was to her and I will always be grateful for that. She was the person that I could go weeks without talking to, and as soon as we saw each other, it was like no time had gone by. We had a saying that she adopted from her uncle that we started when I got my first phone. We would call each other and wait until the other person answered the phone, and once they did we would say “just checking” and hung up without saying anything else. It pissed me off so much when she did that, but once we got to college it made me so happy to hear her voice so far from home. I think those calls are one of the things I miss most about her. As I said, she cared for her friends and family immensely. If she wasn’t punching someone’s arm to defend me or another friend, she was smacking the back of my head for teasing Henry too much. Henry and Hayley bickered like crazy and it was so hilarious to watch Henry rial her up because he totally knew exactly what buttons to push, and he would always do it with a shitty little grin on his face.  But no matter how much they would argue, she loved him like crazy and would go to the ends of the world for him. That type of person is so hard to come by and I admired that so much. Hayley really was one in a million. I wish more than anything that I could have watched her grow up into the person she would have been and see all the things she would have accomplished. There is not a doubt in my mind that she would have done something absolutely incredible. I miss her sarcastic comments, her teasing, watching her piss her parents off, the way she would light up a room, her laugh, especially her contagious laugh, and everything else about her. I am beyond lucky that I was able to call her my friend and I will miss her forever. – Kayleigh

Last year on Hayley’s 21st, I planted a peach tree for her (hint: peach vodka). Over the last year, it’s served as my constant reminder of Hayley as its grown.
Every day, I am reminded of her strength and courage- Hayley was a phenomenal friend, who always fought for her friends and family. She was rooted in her ways, stubborn as anything, but always with the best and funniest intentions.
I miss her strong opinions, and I find myself laughing and wondering about what she would have to say about things both big and small like new reality tv shows, the quarantine- but mostly I just miss laughing together! Hayley had such a bright, distinct personality that was magnetic. It didn’t matter what we were doing, we always had fun and drove each other (and Dawn) crazy doing it.
I try to keep her silliness, strength, and compassion with me, never losing the memories we made together, and the lessons we learned. Hayley Storm McCutcheon was a loving daughter, protective sister, compassionate friend, intelligent student, quick witted joker, and the person who would always have your back. The world needs more people like Hayley.
Happy 22nd Hayley girl, we love you and miss you alway. Love, Nadia

One of my favorite memories with Hayley was after school when we would carpool home from school every day in the backseat while my older brother drove us. We would annoy him the entire way home which he obviously didn’t love, but Hayley and I always got so much joy out of making him get awkward. One day Hayley and I went with my brother and his friend to the driving range (our golf game was an absolute MESS), then back to my house to bake cupcakes. She wore my fat chef Halloween costume and we were dancing around the kitchen goofing off. That day is a day I’ll cherish forever💛 – Nicole

Hayley and I had quite the year together as college roommates. We only knew each other for around eight months. However, we spent over 6,000 hours together in a 15 x 20 ft dorm room so initially, it was a toss up for how our relationship was going to go, but I am blessed to say that throughout that year, we developed an everlasting friendship. I don’t think a day went by where she didn’t make me laugh. The beginning of freshman year was hard for the both of us. We were away from home for the first time and we struggled, but we were able to get through it together. We created a bond that year that I never expected to make my first year of college. Hayley’s light was what got me through these times when I was down, and I hope I did the same for her. One of my favorite memories of Hayley happened during the simplest times. Just listening to music and just talking about our day was something that I will always cherish. The music of course always had to be Beyoncé per her choice. I learned early on to never skip a Beyoncé song if I did not want to be kicked out of our room.  A few of my favorite things that I learned about Hayley was that she always needed to be wearing socks, and I mean always. Unless you wanted her grumpy for the day, you brought her socks. Hayley also loved her white vans. She told me that she had already gone through six pairs. This then became seven when she stepped on a loose brick on campus that splashed muddy water on her shoe. Without Hayley I would have probably had a very lonely first year of college. What I miss most about you Hayley is your strength, your genuine care for others, and your golden heart. She may have showed it with a dash of heavy sarcasm, but it was always there.  Every time I stayed out in the library past midnight studying, I would always come back to our room and Hayley would be asleep, but she would have made my bed for me because she said it would make me fall asleep faster. Our time together was cut far too short. I miss you Hayley every single day. We would be graduating together at the end of this quarter. Even though our time together was short, the impact that Hayley had on my life will always be there. – Kaylen

Hayley, I miss you and your gorgeous smile.  I was lucky to spend time with you as a little girl and be a part of your life.  Many of my favorite times with you were when I got to watch you dance as you poured your heart into the performance.  But what I miss the most is you driving you mom up the wall.  Your mom loved to tell stories about your antics at home.  You were witty, head strong and naughty AF.  You did your job like a pro and I believed there should have been a reality T.V. show starring the two of you.  I can’t think of another mother/daughter duo that did it better.  I love you baby girl.  XOXO, Missy

It feels like just yesterday we were all hanging out in Mathes Hall. From when I first met you in Kindergarten all the way through freshman year of college, we have so many great memories! I miss your funny humor and witty jokes, I am appreciative for our opportunities to become even better friends once we went off to college at WWU, I miss the funny stories that we would tell each other in the car between home and college. I know you’re watching down on all of us up there, rest easy Hayley and I wish you a happy 22nd! You are in all our hearts and memory forever! #belikeHayley. –Cameron

Happy Birthday Hayley Storm- You left the world almost three years ago, and I never got to meet you- Yet you changed my life and continue to change the world even after your much too early departure. The decision you made to be an organ donor is the reason I met your family and learned about you. Your parents called us, because of your strong belief in helping others and definitive statement that if anything ever happened to you, make sure you could be a donor. I don’t think you knew how rare that is, less than 1%! I will never forget the first time your mom showed me your picture. “That smile!” , it says everything about you- joy, perseverance, tenacity, sarcasm and above all else, KINDNESS. The stories of all the behind the scenes pep talks, friendships, and encouragement came out of the woodwork. So much love followed you at the end of life and the words “Be Kind” became ingrained in my mind and have never left. Many people received lifesaving gifts, their families and friends benefactors. You even made it possible for new life to be brought into the world. While this is miraculous, to me the greatest gift is your legacy of kindness and bravery. When I struggle, I think of the bar you set and refuse to strive for anything less. Thinking of you today and always, I am a better person because of you! Today I celebrate you! – Amy

You never knew me, but I knew you.  I thought of you for years before our destinies crossed.  My first thoughts in the morning were for you and my heart went out to you at night. I knew you were a beautiful, strong, amazing person. I knew you were loved by a wonderful family.  I knew you’d leave behind tons of friends. I knew you weren’t ready to go.  I hoped you were out there being happy and living your life. I wish you’d had more time even though I was out of time. 
How can a simple thank you ever be enough? You and your family gave me the gift that you yourself had to give up… life. There won’t ever be a way to explain what your incredible strength has done for me.  I will always hold your heart safe.  You and I will laugh and cry together. We will read my favorite books and I will show you my favorite spot on the couch. We will dance in my underwear and sing off key in the car. We will see oceans and sunsets together and you’ll be forever on my team. You never knew me,  but I wish I had known you.Happy birthday sweetie. – Elena, the keeper of Hayley’s Heart

I think what I miss most about hayls is her ability to make people laugh. She was always talking about crazy customers and swearing up a storm, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who swore as much as her 😂 she always knew when I was having a down day and knew exactly how to make me feel better. Sometimes I’d go to the cafe when I knew she was getting off soon and I’d sit at the counter and just get a milkshake. As soon as she’d get off, she would come sit by me and would drink my milkshake and gossip about the day 🙂 I miss this beautiful lady so much, and I wish that we could have seen all the amazing things she’d do with her life.  – Liz

Today one of my favorite people ever would have been 22 years old. I would have joked all day about how old she is, she would probably joke back that I can’t even legally drink yet. It would have been fun. It hurts to imagine my life with Hayley still here because there is so much that has happened that I wish I could tell her about, there is so many hard moments that I know she would have been the first one there for me. I could only imagine the cool job Hayley would have right now as she would be graduating in June. I was trying to think of my favorite memory with Hayley, but I couldn’t pick just one memory. But my favorite thing about her that I remember is the way that she made me feel, she loved her friends like no other, she was my older sister, she was my family. She taught me what it means to be selfless and put your friends first. She was my biggest cheerleader. I think of Hayley every day, and each day I try to live more and more like her, smiling bigger, loving others more, and laughing. We never ever stopped laughing mostly a good thing, but sometimes a bad things. I always feel at a loss of words, because words just don’t exactly explain the person that Hayley was in my life. Every day I miss her. But today I cheers to my soul sister forever. Love you Hayley. – Kira

I have so many stories and memories of Hayley but my favorite memory of her was during senior year of high school. We were watching the boys soccer team play at Eastlake and we were talking about college. She had already committed to Western and she was trying to convince me to commit. For the whole game she was giving me reasons to choose Western and go with her, that night I went home and committed. I thank her everyday for how hard she pushed me to come to Western because it is the best place for me and I have fallen in love with Bellingham. It was really hard coming back sophomore year without her because it felt like Bellingham was our place. But from how much she loved it and helped me love it, I knew I had to push though the pain of being here without her. Hayley is the type of person you don’t realize how big of an impact they have on your life until they are gone. Happy birthday Hayley, I wish we could be listening to 22 by Taylor Swift drinking Mikes Hard. Love and miss you always <3  – Allie

I think the thing I miss most about Hayley is her beautiful smile.  It was infectious, absolutely electric. She could light up the room.  Whenever I saw her smile, it made my weary heart feel truly alive.  I still think about her all the time and when I find myself spiraling into grief, I see her smiling at me and telling me it’s OK without saying a word.  I hope I can learn to smile like that someday. – Brian A.

Happy Birthday Hayley! Words cannot describe how much I miss her. Not a day goes by where I do not think about Hayley and the way her smile lit up every room she walked into. The other day I was organizing my closet and I found a stack of pictures from Hayley’s birthday parties through the years. If you know Hayley, you know she loved her birthday. While today should be her 22nd birthday party in quarantine, it is full of memories that I will never forget. Hayley was so lucky and grateful to have a mom like Dawn who always went above and beyond to make her birthday so special and memorable. Wherever Hayley is, I hope she has a bottle of fireball or peach vodka and is remembering all the special moments she had on this day with everyone who loved her so much. – Cassie

Happy Birthday Hayley Storm

Hayley’s favorite date of the entire year was April 29th, her birthday. I made a decision when she was born that Birthdays would always be a big deal in our house. I can remember clearly the night that Scott and I decided it was time to have kids. We talked about parenting philosophies, what did we want family life to look like, how many kids and what kind of childhood did we want to give our future offspring. This memory cracks me up. We were 26 and 31, what the hell did we know about raising kids. It is pretty funny. We talked about Birthdays. Some of our friends had kids and they had big birthday parties and they were awesome. They were really more for the parents. We both agreed that we wanted to go big on Birthdays. I told him how my Mom always made me the same cake most of my childhood, lemon-lime refrigerator cake. I wanted to develop our own traditions. When Henry was born 9 days after Hayley’s birthday it became even more important that we make both dates equally special.

Hayley was all in on this plan. We went to the zoo for birthdays every year (yes even as a teen). We surprised the kids with Disneyland one year. We always had a theme. Her first year at college we were lucky that her birthday was on a Saturday and she would be home for the weekend. She was very clear that we would always be physically present on her birthday forever. She made sure we understood that meant when her Birthday fell on a weekday that she fully expected that all three of us would spend that day in Bellingham. We created a birthday monster, the tolerable kind.

On her 18th birthday she wanted a plain Safeway cake. She was very clear that she wanted no theme, she was an adult. Being opinionated didn’t just happen, that apple fell very close to the tree. We had to have a theme, that was my rule. So I went rogue and ordered a very adorable Monster University cake to celebrate that she was heading off to college and she loved Disney.

The tantrum that she threw in the Safeway bakery was epic. I kid you not. She was so upset. I am not exaggerating, she threw a full out tantrum, tears were involved. I remember angrily pushing that cake around the store in our cart while we finished our shopping. I was pissed, she was being ridiculous. She thought I was insensitive because I didn’t honor her wishes on HER birthday. We both stomped around Safeway, both on the verge of tears. I was torn between wanting to teach her that 18 year olds should not throw tantrums. I wanted credit for the cute idea. I did not want to admit I was wrong. I yelled at Scott through text about his bratty daughter. Being Scott he simply replied, “Dawn it is not about you, it is her birthday, get the cake she wants, not the one you want”. Well Shit. So we went back to the bakery. She hung back. I had to explain to the baker that although her work was beautiful we needed to make some changes. I asked her to take the plastic characters off the cake. She insisted on me taking them in a baggy since I had paid for them. Mike and Sully were mocking me in my purse. It was still a cake with an outdoor scene and a path. I approached Hayley the way you would a caged tiger. I asked her if flowers would be acceptable. She graciously agreed. I went back to the counter, she added some flowers and we were out the door with the almost plain cake. I had thoughts about how I would destroy the stupid Mike and Sully characters in my purse when I was alone. I recently came across those two smirking bastards in one of my desk drawers.

One year, Hayley insisted that she wanted the Safeway princess cake. The one with the barbie in it and the cake was it’s skirt. This was my DIY phase in life. I insisted that I could make this cake on my own, I didn’t need to pay Safeway $50 bucks. (Don’t even ask about some of Henry’s cakes and Halloween costumes) She had already had a big party at the magic arcade type place that I cannot remember the name of, Illusions maybe? She had a beautiful store bought cake at that party. (yes each kid usually had two celebrations, three if you count the ones I did in the classrooms) For her actual birth date party, I made the cake. I realized that the skirt was made of little piped rosettes all over the skirt. I mixed frosting, I was going for a light blue and pink. It turned out looking more like sunburn skin and mint green. I quickly got bored and my hand cramped from squeezing all those little dots on that damn cake. I finally gave up and just slapped frosting on one side. I had also not waited long enough for the cake to cool and the rosettes were sliding off the skirt and barbie would not stand up straight, the little bitch. Barbie was slowly falling backwards. She barely remained standing through the candle lighting and singing. She was litteraly sliding to the floor like she had just gotten lit at a Vegas girl’s trip, she had nipples and had gotten dressed in the dark. Hayley had her best friend Bailey over to celebrate, it was her 5th birthday. There was some snarky comments from the adults but Hayley was so proud of that cake. She told everyone how her Mom had made it for her. She mentioned it took forever and might have said that she had heard some bad words. She was so sweet and so kind, the cake was terrifying looking.

Drunken Barbie

Several years later she had some friends over. It was middle school. That little brat threw me under the bus. She told her friends about this awful princess cake I made and found a photo in our albums to share. She said that I still owed her a real Cinderella Cake. For her 17th Birthday I ordered that cake from Safeway. It was a huge surprise. She had probably forgotten. I eagerly went to pick the cake up. I opened the box and again I kid you not, it was like deja vu. It was the most horrifying looking Cinderella I had ever seen. It was like Cinderella on Meth. It said Happy Birthday Harley. I literally started crying in Safeway. I sent a picture of it to my friend. After she probably finished laughing she said make them fix it. I asked the baker if she had number one made the cake and when she said no, number two, had she looked at the cake. I explained to her that my daughter had always wanted this cake and the one I held looked nothing like the model she had pointed out on the counter over the years. I was seriously crying. The poor woman did not know what the hell to do with me. She took one look at the cake and was desperately trying not to say “what the fuck”. I asked, was it the decorators last day on the job? She promised that she would make a new one in time for the party that evening so that my little girl would not be disappointed. She asked me how old was my daughter. Without hesitation I said 17. I recall baker side eye. I picked up the perfect Cinderella Cake just in time that night. We laughed about the photos of the first one. Hayley loved that cake, she still has the Cinderella Barbie in her room.

All of her birthdays were epic. The goody bags were the best part. The themes included: zoo, lady bug, bowling, earth day, peace signs and so many more. We had sleepovers at the Westin. Movie nights, bouncy houses, rainbow play system, that magic themed place in Issaquah that used to be Ernst and is now a gym. It is only fitting that one of my favorite photos was taken on her last birthday, her 19th. She was always grateful. She always loved her gifts. She loved that we always went to one of her two favorite places for her birthday dinner through the years. Golden Chopstix at Redmond Town Center or Stan’s BBQ in Issaquah. Safeway has come through for me over the years with several custom cupcake cakes and one perfect Cinderella cake. She always said she had a birthday week. It started on her birthday and ended on Henry’s birthday. She deserved a lifetime of birthdays.

Quarantine Grief

2020 was always a featured number in our lives this past 20 years. So many milestones would happen for our family this year. In January I would start my last year in my forties. Both kids would have two quarters of school left. In April, Hayley would turn double twos and have a senior year spring break. In May, Henry will be an adult. In June, Henry would graduate High School at EHS and Hayley would graduate College at WWU. Hayley had pondered several times during their freshman years, what would we do if their graduations fell on the same date in 2020. I always had to convince her that we would figure it out. The last of childhood parenting. One last summer for them to be kids together before one moved on to college and the other was launched into a career. Hayley and I had planned to tour in a small RV this summer. Our goal to visit all of the national parks before she turned 30. Our girl’s goal. (Scott and Henry would consider road trips to National Parks the ultimate torture) In September, 25 years of Marriage and an empty nest. Moving Henry to Bellingham, Hayley sharing all of her favorite spots, tips for classes, professors and where to hide the fireball in your dorm room. One more annual trip to Cannon Beach, Oregon. 2020 was supposed to be a big year for us. Who could have ever imagined it would look like this.

Many people were expecting the same milestones for their families this year. I have had two years to prepare myself for the loss of these occasions. Others had maybe two weeks to mentally and emotionally accept these losses. No Spring Break trips, college students home early, no graduations, no special anniversary trips, no vacations and kids home ALL the time. Everyone has suffered loss this year due to this global pandemic. If I am honest I am somewhat relieved. I feel the loss of Henry’s graduation but at the same time it would have been bittersweet without Hayley there to make Henry smile for hundreds of photos. I love having Henry home. I may not see much of him as he has his own personal space that he rarely leaves. But he is physically here, I can see and try to hug him any time I want. When he is not home, I worry, I feel irrationally worried that he won’t make it home safely. I want to cover him in bubble wrap. He is my reason that I even get out of bed. I won’t have to see photos of Hayley’s classmates at their college graduations. I feel selfish that I am relieved.

Some will face traditional grief, the loss of a loved one from the Coronavirus. Most will face the loss of a life milestone. Many will face the loss of a job and financial security. I have read many articles about feeling grief during quarantine. It makes sense. The emotions of loss and grief are disappointment, sadness, anger, stress, empathy, confusion and fear. If you are feeling any of these emotions right now do not minimize or diminish any of your feelings. They are real. It is grief. You are mourning a loss of your normal. Now imagine feeling that way every single day for the past 2 and a half years. 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If you can do that you are one step closer to understanding what grieving the loss of someone close feels like. You are one step closer to identifying those emotions in your grieving friends and family. You are one step closer to being able to help.

Most of us don’t know what to do for someone who is grieving. We really have no idea what to do when someone suffers the most atrocious and unnatural tragedy of the loss of a child. I know I didn’t have a clue. One of my best friends lost a child, so I had first hand access to understanding, but I didn’t really understand. You don’t have to be a parent to understand where the loss of a child falls on the grief meter. I have lost so many people in my life. When I read a story about someone’s loss I always judge it based on my own grief meter. It is most certainly not a contest but I admit that I judge. When someone loses a grandparent I feel sad for them, my grandmothers were important parts of my life. I was lucky that my children got to know one of them. But I can’t be angry that she died in her nineties. When someone I know loses a parent, again I compare. I am sorry your parent died. Nowadays anything under 80 feels like you got ripped off. My dad died at 52. My stepmom died at 36. I totally judge. Then I feel incredible guilt for it.

That is an emotion that people don’t tell you about. Guilt is a huge part of Grief. You feel guilty because you didn’t make the last conversation special, you didn’t always tell them how much you loved them, you didn’t visit them often enough, or you just let life get in the way of that relationship and now it is too late. Guilt is a huge, ugly part of my grief journey. A wise person recently helped me see that. He said he could see it in my writing. My guilt is so heavy. Hayley had 7 days that she could have been saved. Did I protect her as a parent? Could I have done more? Could have I been a better advocate for her? How come I let it happen? How come I have survived so many times and she didn’t? I should have protected her. It should have been me, not her. I remember having a conversation with her once about losing her or Henry. I told her I would not survive that loss. I believe I used that conversation to teach her to make safe choices because losing her would destroy me. Neither of us ever really believed it would happen. It was a dumb conversation to even have. If I lost one of my children I would not die because I would have to live for the other. Hayley and I had lots of unusual and nontraditional conversations. Scott and Hayley were close but he and Henry were excluded from the world Hayley and I created around the two of us. I feel guilty about that. I have the ability to love in really big ways. The love between Hayley and Henry and me is deep and unbreakable. I was so very lucky. I showered them with it and they reciprocated. The kids did the same with Scott. But that is not Scott’s way. Scott’s love is solid but quiet and very much kept to himself. It has taken me 30 years to accept that. I feel guilty that we left him out. Maybe we should have pushed him out of his comfort zone more. I worry that Henry feels less loved because of my all consuming grief for Hayley. This makes me feel guilty. I hope some day we can talk about it. Thoughts of Hayley can take my breath away but it is thoughts of Henry that allow me to take another breath.

Go easy on yourself, grief sucks. Try to remember that most of the emotions you are going through right now during quarantine are temporary. There may be a new normal. You may miss your child’s graduation but they are still present. It is okay to be sad about that, but at the same time you must find room for gratitude. Be grateful they are still present. They still earned a diploma, they will have another milestone, they will have more birthdays. I think back on events or milestones I missed out on when Hayley was alive. I remember feeling upset, sad and usually mad. But I don’t ever remember feeling grateful. I let those rough times be defined by negative emotions and never appreciated that they truly were temporary. Small blips on the radar. Therefore as a parent I modeled that behavior for Hayley and Henry. I taught them being upset and disappointed was okay, but I didn’t teach them that moving past that blip in a positive way was way more important. I focused on the negative. It took a tragedy for me to learn that shit happens, it is okay and move on. Because I know what the worst possible thing feels like and that blip was not it. Maybe if I accomplish anything, maybe you can learn from my experience. Put things in perspective. If you need to borrow my perspective that is just fine. You have my permission.

If you are frustrated and grieving during Quarantine it is time to find that perspective. I know you are getting stir crazy, sick of cooking, your nails look like crap, you have roots that make your hair look ombre, your kids are making you insane and if your spouse or partner makes that sniffling sound with their nose one more time you can not be held responsible for your actions. I get it. Remember perspective. I would give anything at all including years off my life to be locked in a house with Hayley. The job you are trying to make work remotely will still pay your mortgage. You have food, you have wine and a roof over your head. So many people do not. You are winning against a deadly virus. Again, your feelings are real. Acknowledge them but find gratitude. One of the emotions I miss most in my world right now is gratitude. I find it impossible to feel grateful for anything. How can I feel grateful for anything without my person in my world. When and how can I get to a place where I feel it and not just say it. I am grateful that Henry is healthy and is my son. I know it, but I don’t actually feel that emotion, because the next thought is always that he is living without his sister.

Quarantine life is so similar to the life I have been living for 33 months. Prior to going back to work 12 months ago, I was absolutely quarantined 90% of the time. I did not leave the house very often. I used Amazon Fresh to deliver my groceries. I sat on the couch in my spot surrounded by my four dogs. I wore pajamas and didn’t shower every day. Grieving looks very similar to being quarantined. You feel that you must avoid people so that your grief does not infect them. You don’t want anyone to feel as bad as you do. What I never understood about grief or even depression is that when you see me behaving like the old me that is not real. You may see me enjoying a concert like I used to. I may take a vacation. I may have a lunch date with a friend. When I saw a friend that was down or going through a rough time and they did something that they would have done before, I felt like they were getting better or healing. The thing is I am not healing, I am not behaving like the old me, my sense of humor is not back. I am just better at faking it. The old me was extroverted, funny, passionate about so many things, empathetic and talkative. (only listing the positive qualities, it is my blog) That is not me now. Now I am sad all of the time, I feel broken, I feel disconnected from people, I am angry, I am so tired, and being awake hurts. People call me strong. I think they say that when I am behaving more like the old me. What they don’t realize is that the real strength is that I can do those things while hiding the new me. That is my super power. I can do my job. I can be all those things that make me appear strong. But truly it is putting on a mask. It is an example of fake it until you make it. Will those things ever come naturally? I don’t know, I can’t answer that question, I am not there yet. Can a parent ever truly recover.? What does recovery look like? Those are big questions that I need to work on. When my counselor asks me what does recovery for me look like? I cannot even began to imagine. I have a very active imagination. But when I ask myself to ponder that question, all I can think is that I will absolutely never ever recover.

Guilt and Gratitude are emotions generally not mentioned when talking about Grief. But I know that the path to a new normal will require me to let go of Guilt and embrace Gratitude. If I figure out how to do that I could probably write a best selling book. Quarantine life is similar. It involves Grief and therefore guilt and gratitude. So acknowledge you are grieving real losses. Let go of the guilt. Guilt because you have not used your extra time to clean and organize your house like Karen down the street has. Guilt because you are still not making home cooked meals like the other Karen down the street. Do not compare. Guilt because you are juggling work and your kids and you really cannot do both well. Just let that thought go and do your best. Do enough to keep your work moving forward and at the same time embrace this time with your children. Most working parents have never had 8 weeks of time with their kids. Try to look past their annoying behavior and be prepared to go big with the teacher gifts this year. But treasure every single minute you have, when things go back to reality this time will be gone. Be grateful for all these extra minutes you have to get to know your children. Learn something new about them every day. If they don’t learn 4th grade math because you were not meant to be a teacher, trust me they will still get into a good college. Be grateful for what you do have and do not complain about what you are missing out on. I think 8 weeks of posting on social meeting how sad it is for the class of 2020 that they are missing so many rights of passage is enough! Stop bringing it up! Be honest, unless you lost your virginity that night, do you still reminisce about Prom? Make sure your kids understand you are proud of their accomplishments and not that they get to wear a cheap polyester gown that you can never get the fold wrinkle out of. The gown and shaking the hand of a principal they probably didn’t like very much does not define their accomplishment. It is sad, I am sad about it. But it is time to let it be. It is what it is. What we have done has saved lives. Make sure your kids understand that quarantine was not about taking away privileges and freedoms but about being a caring member of their community, saving lives is a huge accomplishment too.